Leisure Life

Hat Trick

The term actually originated from the British Cricket games. Any bowler who retired three batsmen with three consecutive balls in cricket was entitled to a new hat at the expense of the club to commemorate this feat. Later, the term was used to indicate three consecutive scores in other sports. The phrase finally broadened to include any string of three important successes or achievements, in any field.


Feel it in my Bones

Shakespeare Timon of Athens. ‘I feel’t upon my bones.’

Life Oddities


The word was derived from the Latin words for ‘lord’ and ‘House’. It used to mean ‘the house of a lord’.

It later came to mean the rooms underneath the lord’s castle

Everyday Life Literary

Doesn’t Have a Leg to Stand On

John Neil (1825) – Brother Jonathan
“As if the Yankee man were determined to leave the briggadier without a leg to stand upon, as a lawyer would say.”

Everyday Life Literary

Diamond in the Rough

John Fletcher (1624) – A Wife for a Month
‘She is very honest, and will be hard to cut as a rough diamond.’