Everyday Life

Apple Pie Order

‘It looks good, everything seems to be in apple pie order.’
Apparently comes from the French ‘nappes pliees’ meaning folded linen.


Apple of His Eye

In old English, the pupil of the eye was called ‘the apple.’

The pupil was thought to be spherical and solid and was the main part, or crucial part, of the eye.

Leisure Life


16th-century English revelers toasting each other’s health sometimes drank a brimming mug of spirits straight to the bottom — drinking ‘all-out,’ they called it.

German tipplers did the same and used the German expression for ‘all out’ — ‘gar aus.’

The French adopted the German term as ‘carous,’ using the adverb in their expression ‘boire (to drink) carous,’ and that phrase, with its idiomatic sense of ‘to empty the cup,’ led to ‘carrousse,’ a French noun meaning ‘a large draft of liquor.’

And that’s where English speakers picked up ‘carouse’ in the mid-1500s, first as a noun (which later took on the sense of a general ‘drinking bout’), and then as a verb meaning ‘to drink freely.’

Christianity Religion

Cardinal Sin

The cardinal sins was listed by Bishop Thomas Ken in 1834 as: Pride, envy, sloth, intemperance, avarice, ire and lust.


Call a Spade a Spade

Dickens (1854).

Hard Times.

‘There’s no imaginative sentimental humbug about me. I call a spade a spade.’